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Version: 3.10

How to Scale ScalarDL

This guide explains how to scale ScalarDL. The contents of this guide assume that you used Scalar Helm Chart to deploy ScalarDL, which is the recommended way.


You might be able to resolve some performance issues by scaling ScalarDL if a bottleneck exists on the ScalarDL side. However, sometimes a performance issue is caused by a bottleneck in the backend databases. In such cases, scaling ScalarDL will not resolve the performance issue.

Instead, please check where the bottleneck exists. If the bottleneck exists in the backend databases, consider scaling the backend databases.

  1. Add the following to your custom values file, replacing <NUMBER_OF_PODS> with the number of pods you want to scale:

    replicaCount: <NUMBER_OF_PODS>
  2. Upgrade your ScalarDL Ledger deployment by running the following helm upgrade command, which uses the updated custom values file. Be sure to replace the contents in the angle brackets as described:

    helm upgrade <RELEASE_NAME> scalar-labs/scalardl -n <NAMESPACE> -f /<PATH_TO_YOUR_CUSTOM_VALUES_FILE_FOR_SCALARDL_LEDGER> --version <CHART_VERSION>