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Version: 3.8

Mount any files or volumes on Scalar product pods

You can mount any files or volumes on Scalar product pods when you use ScalarDB Server, ScalarDB Cluster, ScalarDB Analytics with PostgreSQL, or ScalarDL Helm Charts (ScalarDL Ledger and ScalarDL Auditor).

Mount key and certificate files on a pod in ScalarDL Helm Charts

You must mount the key and certificate files to run ScalarDL Auditor.

  • Configuration example
    • ScalarDL Ledger
      ledgerProperties: |
    • ScalarDL Auditor
      auditorProperties: |

In this example, you need to mount a private-key and a certificate file under the /keys directory in the container. And, you need to mount files named private-key and certificate. You can use extraVolumes and extraVolumeMounts to mount these files.

  1. Set extraVolumes and extraVolumeMounts in the custom values file using the same syntax of Kubernetes manifest. You need to specify the directory name to the key mountPath.

    • Example
      • ScalarDL Ledger
        - name: ledger-keys
        secretName: ledger-keys
        - name: ledger-keys
        mountPath: /keys
        readOnly: true
      • ScalarDL Auditor
        - name: auditor-keys
        secretName: auditor-keys
        - name: auditor-keys
        mountPath: /keys
        readOnly: true
  2. Create a Secret resource that includes key and certificate files.

    You need to specify the file name as keys of Secret.

    • Example
      • ScalarDL Ledger
        kubectl create secret generic ledger-keys \
      • ScalarDL Auditor
        kubectl create secret generic auditor-keys \
        --from-file=tls.key=./auditor-key.pem \
  3. Deploy Scalar products with the above custom values file.

    After deploying Scalar products, key and certificate files are mounted under the /keys directory as follows.

    • Example
      • ScalarDL Ledger

        ls -l /keys/

        You should see the following output:

        total 0
        lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 Jun 27 03:12 private-key ->
      • ScalarDL Auditor

        ls -l /keys/

        You should see the following output:

        total 0
        lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 Jun 27 03:16 certificate ->
        lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 Jun 27 03:16 private-key ->

Mount emptyDir to get a heap dump file

You can mount emptyDir to Scalar product pods by using the following keys in your custom values file. For example, you can use this volume to get a heap dump of Scalar products.

  • Keys

    • scalardb.extraVolumes / scalardb.extraVolumeMounts (ScalarDB Server)
    • scalardbCluster.extraVolumes / scalardbCluster.extraVolumeMounts (ScalarDB Cluster)
    • scalardbAnalyticsPostgreSQL.extraVolumes / scalardbAnalyticsPostgreSQL.extraVolumeMounts (ScalarDB Analytics with PostgreSQL)
    • ledger.extraVolumes / ledger.extraVolumeMounts (ScalarDL Ledger)
    • auditor.extraVolumes / auditor.extraVolumeMounts (ScalarDL Auditor)
  • Example (ScalarDB Server)

    - name: heap-dump
    emptyDir: {}
    - name: heap-dump
    mountPath: /dump

In this example, you can see the mounted volume in the ScalarDB Server pod as follows.

ls -ld /dump

You should see the following output:

drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Feb  6 07:43 /dump